I am a wealth coach on a mission to make entrepreneurship a viable career for my clients. I want them to have access to wealth, development, and a phenomenal career that enables them to do what they love, on their terms. I provide financial analysis and modelling to grow their profit and fall back in love with their business. I’ve returned to WA after 25 years in London and Sydney. I can’t say no to hot chips or puppy cuddles.
Thank you for joining us here at The Corporate Escapists. Please introduce yourself to our reader. They love to know about you, your passion, and how you came to find and follow your passion.
I studied agribusiness at uni, thinking I wanted to be an organic farmer. I moved to London to get city life out of my system before going rural. I got a job in accounting and have never lived outside a city.
Oprah once quoted ‘You are where you are in your life, based on what you believe. If you’re not looking at the shadows, what is subconsciously telling yourself you’re not good enough, not worthy enough, not smart enough…you’re not enough, you end up acting out of THAT belief system, and not of what you want to be the truest for yourself.””. How important is it to you to have the belief within ones self?
At 25, my boss “forgot” to invite me to company-wide events, threw paper at me if he didn’t like what I said and told me I would never amount to anything. I would not be where I am today if I didn’t do the work to heal from that.
Tell us what the word “Entrepreneur” means to you?
Entrepreneur is synonymous with innovator. Not being afraid of trying something new, of solving problems people think is unsolvable and working tirelessly to find a way. I bet you’ve never heard an entrepreneur say “you can’t change the way it’s done, though.” (a phrase that made me furious in corporate).
How has the life of being an entrepreneur, changed you?
It’s given me a freedom and a joy I didn’t think was possible. I’m not one to follow the status quo. I’m so glad I’ve found a way to help clients AND myself. Planning departments are called the “no” departments but I am not a “no” person for my clients.
Share you thoughts on the importance of business owners to be a leader in their own life and ensure they have a work/life balance?
Professionally I get my clients to identify their values, priorities and goals to ensure any strategy I explore will enable them to have the business AND life they want. Personally I am my mum’s carer and a mum so making sure I am present for work and life is vital to my happiness.
What is your favourite quote about “following your dreams”?
I am a big dreamer. But a wise person once said “it’s time to stop window shopping Eliza. Time to go into the shop and buy.” As much as I love dreaming, there comes a time when you have to put some skin in the game.
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start their own business?
1. Create a financial plan ie a budget and review it regularly. You will then see quickly what is working, what isn’t, and if you are or will be profitable.
2. Get a business coach. The biggest thing to work through is your mindset and a coach is best placed to support that.
3. Ignore vanity metrics. Social proof matters but spending your efforts on likes and followers will not pay your bills. Those days are gone.