From HR to healing hearts: let’s get to know Donna’s journey to purpose.
ABOUT OUR GUEST, Donna Wallace
Donna found her way through meaningless jobs, trying to find herself and her purpose. From working in a HR role in finance, Donna finally got the courage to pursue her dream business when her daughter was born. Her intuition took her on the ‘magical carpet ride of life’ with exciting and challenging twists and turns. The work she does today is do help ther clients discover their perfect ‘soulmate stone’, creating heirloom jewellery that activates their soul. Donna also helps people heal deeply from their past and birth family trauma, opens their intuition and helps people feel alive and free!
About your host, Christine
Transition and Lifestyle Coach, Host of The Corporate Escapists TV Show & Podcast, Speaker & Educator. In a past life, I was a corporate queen, earning the big bucks & working my way up that ladder. From the outside, I had it all, but I felt completely dead inside. It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom that I really discovered what was missing from my life. I realised I had no idea who I was.
What lit me up. What was setting my soul on fire? What was my passion in life? But after years of doing the inner work, I have rebuilt my life and now I want to help you do the same.
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We say it all the time we need to look after ourselves. With leading busy lifestyles, we sit down with Kylie today and talk about hormones, health in women and peri-menopause
Kylie is a clinical nutritionist, speaker and host of The Hormone Hub podcast. She is the creator of the Hormone Code, a holistic solution that supports high achieving professionals and women in business going through perimenopause and menopause to balance their changing hormones, reset their metabolisms and reduce burnout, overwhelm and anxiety from their business and life.
Connect with Donna here: