Anastasia, founder and chief chameleon at No Grey Suits, adds colour and humour to professional business. A mum of two toddlers and mortgage broker turned marketer, she transforms your messaging with fun, turning the mundane into something magical.
Why do I call myself a chameleon? It’s like the old saying “jack of all trades”. I’m a bitsa, love variety in my work and turn my hand to just about anything I set my mind to.
Mum of two cheeky toddlers and pack leader of two (very) furry dogs.
Years ago, I asked my marketing manager “How do I get into marketing as a career?”. His answer? “Well, what part of marketing do you want to do?”. I had no idea.
It was too hard to choose. So instead of thinking about what I wanted, I job-hopped, winding up in finance.
After having kids, I left the corporate world. I took a chance and started No Grey Suits, and I’m finally starting to lean into what I enjoyed all along.
Be yourself! Trying to be something other than you will trip you up eventually. Having your own business means you get to infuse that business with the values that matter to you. Hint: you’ll also attract the type of clients you love.
By trade, I’m a mortgage broker, and no stranger to the stereotypes and boxes we try to fit into, to be seen as competent in more conventional industries. No Grey Suits was born to help business owners use their marketing and messaging to be themselves.
“If anyone ever tells you your dreams are silly, remember there’s some millionaire walking around who invented the Pool Noodle.”.
Planning is important, but don’t get stuck in perfectionism. Sometimes you need to just start and trust that you know enough to begin.
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