Tom was built for small business. Starting with an entrepreneurial spirit as a teen, he always knew he didn’t fit in the “normal” corporate world. Running businesses since 2005, plus experience in both public and private sector words, Tom has a wealth of knowledge. In 2020 he was put into a position as a small business advocate and hasn’t looked back
In 2016 someone said I had a “nice hobby business”. I didn’t sleep for 2 days because I was mad at myself for letting them think that. So I walked into my boss’s office and told her I was going full-time, 13 months later I did it and haven’t looked back.
People take you more seriously when you take yourself seriously.
I actually started my Martial Arts business because I wanted to share my skills and knowledge, I put up a website with “Coming Soon” and had 8 people contact me before I had even purchased the equipment to do it. I think it’s having a passion for something and showing the world, you’ll always find others who share that passion.
Aim for the Stars, who knows even if you stumble you may hit the Moon.
Have a Vision, write a plan, break it down into small steps, then follow your plan as hard as you can.
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