Elly Johnson – Truth, Trust, Awareness and Kindness.

Elly Johnson in a former police officer turned communication specialist who shines a spotlight on critical elements of healthy relationships; truth, trust, awareness and kindness.

Elly has built an expansive career which includes consulting with and developing programs for government agencies and global businesses. Elly has expertise in teaching people techniques to build rapport rapport, influence truthfulness, uncover the truth and detect harmful lies and deception.

Elly has just joined forces with former US Military Intelligence Officer, Lena Sisco and together they have created the Truth Sisters Academy. Their mission is to empower women to leverage an advanced awareness of human behavior and confidently make their next power move in life.

Elly is sharing what the word “empower” means to her with The Corporate Escapists.

Thank you for joining us here at The Corporate Escapists. Please introduce yourself to our readers. They would love to know about you, your passion, and how you came to find and follow your passion.

My success started when I made the decision to join the police force in Melbourne, Australia at the tender age of 22. Back then, I had no idea the impact that just 5 years in that job would have on the rest of my life.

I am over 50 now and looking back I am able to connect the dots and better understand all the twists and turns of my career and life. It all makes more sense now.

I’ve always had an inner burning to help other people and I have stayed true to that along the way. I thrive on learning more and sharing more and knowing that I have made a positive impact on someone else’s life.

As a successful entrepreneur please share your viewpoint if you believe that entrepreneurs are born or made?

I think anyone and everyone can be an entrepreneur. I believe that we all come into this world equipped to invite and explore thousands of ideas and opportunities. I believe the education system, parenting methods, and societal conditioning all play a part in dampening the drive and belief for so many people.

When you shake off the limiting beliefs and find the flame that burns inside you, anything is possible.

Nelson Mandela once quoted – ‘I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.’  What has been one fear you have overcome?

The biggest fear I had to overcome in the past decade was speaking or presenting to a camera. I was confident speaking on a stage to a huge audience. I was confident speaking to a group of any size in a classroom, no matter who they were.
But for some reason, having a camera in my face or knowing there was one filming me sent me into a spin. I would sweat, forget what I was saying, blush and not perform at my best.
I knew that confident presenting in all aspects was critical to my success and in the digital world I would not keep up if I didn’t conquer my fear of being filmed.
So I stepped forward into the fear. I did some expert training. I got a coach and I put myself out there. Today, I get compliments all the time about my camera presence and my natural style.
I’m proud of myself for smashing through the fear and then working hard to leave that fear far behind.

Tell us what the word “empower” means to you?

Empowerment to me is about feeling free to follow your inner compass. Free from people who get in your way, free from negative thinking patterns that cause you to get stuck, free from the restrictions that society loads us up with.

What has been one of the biggest business ideas you have had and how did you have the courage to implement it?

My latest venture, the Truth Sisters Academy, would have to be the biggest business idea yet. It took courage to create something from scratch and go out to the world with an untested idea. I have always felt that there was something bigger ahead for me and now I feel I have found it.

The idea of harnessing all that I have learnt and experienced personally and professionally and combining it with a wealth of experience from my biz partner, Lena Sisco, seems like a dream come true.

The knowledge that together, from opposite sides of the world, we can empower more women in new ways is a feeling that excites me everyday. I will keep smashing through real and imagined barriers, knowing that we are playing a part in keeping women safe, whilst exposing them to an advanced awareness of human behavior.

Running your own business can be scary.  Success requires moments of courage to push through to the next level, please tell us one of the moments you have had to push through to take your business to the next level?

In 2001 I founded my original training and consulting business and was equal partner with a guy I knew from the police force. Things went well from the start and we were making good money. Six years in and we were at each other’s throat. Our time was up working together but the business was still viable.

Long story short, I took over the business. I remember waking up on the first day it was only me running the show thinking ‘shit, what have I done?’. All my doubts and insecurities came flooding toward me and suddenly I felt incompetent to run this business and continue with the contracts we had with high-level corporate and government agencies.

My head spin went for about a week until I dug deep and got back in touch with my inner compass. I reminded myself of what I was capable of and that now I had the freedom to bend and shape the business anyway I liked.

I went from strength to strength and never looked back.

Tell us what attributes you feel make a good leader in business today?

I think the biggest attributes for a good leader in business today are: self-awareness, emotional intelligence and kindness.

Most of our communication problems have emotions at the core. The more we can truly understand ourselves, our beliefs and our triggers, the better equipped we are to navigate interactions with others.

What is your favourite quote about empowerment?

I’m a huge Brene Brown fan and I believe everyone should read her works. I think empowerment comes from accepting that imperfections are not inadequacies. We all fall down at times. Some stay down, some get back up, some get lost in the dark. I believe if true kindness can triumph over fear and judgement, then love and connection can thrive.

“Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together.”

Brene Brown

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start their own business?

If your business idea is aligned with your inner compass, then do it. Get some advice for sure but be careful of people that hold you back or pour water on your flame. Sometimes people seem to be well-meaning but remember they can’t see into your soul. Trust your gut, follow your dreams, think big, and believe.

What would be one (1) question you would you ask the person who most inspires you?  Also, share with us about this person and why they inspire you?

Right now I’m re-reading some of Brene Brown’s work and loving her new book, Atlas of the Heart.

I’m inspired by her story and the fact that she has followed her inner compass all the way. She tells the story of when she was at school she was already fascinated with emotions and why people react the way they do. I admire her for staying the path and working so hard to find more and better ways to share incredibly powerful findings and insights with the world.

Q: What is the number one thing that humans should be aware of, or do differently, that would make the most difference to personal success and greater happiness?

You can connect with Elly right here on Instagram.


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