Velin Dragoev – Marketing has always been one of my biggest passions.

Categories: Marketing
Velin is a freelance SEO expert. In addition to his client work, he’s been practicing martial arts for over 18 years and he recently started sharing his experience by launching his own website –
I’ve always had an interest in the way brands shape their products and the relationship they have with people. This is why marketing has always been one of my biggest passions. And it’s why, a couple of years ago, I decided to pivot my career to Digital Marketing.
Oprah once quoted ‘You are where you are in your life, based on what you believe. If you’re not looking at the shadows, what is subconsciously telling yourself you’re not good enough, not worthy enough, not smart enough…you’re not enough, you end up acting out of THAT belief system, and not of what you want to be the truest for yourself.””. How important is it to you to have the belief within ones self?
Learning to believe in yourself is the strongest weapon you could have. It’s always the last ingredient you need before you take the plunge into a new endeavor – be it a new business, a job, a relationship…
And it’s not easy. Because believing in yourself also means taking on a huge responsibility – the responsibility that if anything goes wrong, you will have full responsibility for it.
And it’s scary. But on the flip side, this also means that anything that goes well is also your responsibility – it’s something you did through your sheer power of believing in yourself. Believing that you are good enough and that you can do it.
And that realization is what makes taking that plunge worth it!
Tell us what the word “Entrepreneur” means to you?
To me, an “entrepreneur” means someone who is willing to take a risk in order to make the world a better place.
How has the life of being an entrepreneur, changed you?
It’s helped me thrive in uncertainty, and it made me realize that “job security” is an illusion.
Share you thoughts on the importance of business owners to be a leader in their own life and ensure they have a work/life balance?
If you’re a business owner you should treat your alone time and your time with family and friends with the same importance as your time at work.
If you treat your free time the same way you treat your time at work, you may find some things you aren’t happy with. Would you feel OK if you’re constantly late for work, and you don’t put in the hours you’re supposed to? Well, if your free time is the same as your time at work, then why do you think it’s OK to cut into that?
While you may not get paid a salary for your free time, you get plenty of “pay” in improved mental health and irreplaceable time spent with your friends and family.
What is your favourite quote about “following your dreams”?
“Don’t wait. Life goes faster than you think.”
— Unknown
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start their own business?
Just go for it!
Don’t be afraid if your idea is bigger than your budget. That’s perfectly normal. Instead, think about what is absolutely essential for your project to work. Once you’ve identified that, create a pared-down version of your ultimate idea. This will not only give you a low-risk way of testing out your idea, but it could serve as proof of concept to future sponsors or investors.

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