We sit down with Moana Robinson from B Styled for Life and talk about how to bring out the inner confidence and add in your own style to showcase the best version of yourself
ABOUT OUR GUEST, Moana Robinson
Moana Robinson at B Styled for Life is a Personal Stylist who works with clients to recognise and reach their full potential.
As well as presenting a Ted Talk called “The Best Pieces of a Broken World” Moana is also author of the Amazon best seller “B Styled for Life – Living With Sass and Style Over 50” and “Teddy’s Revenge – Overcoming Life’s Challenges with Sass and Style”. She also has her own podcast called “Take A MOment”
Moana has the ability to help people shine by discovering their best colours, styles and true passion and purpose in life.
About your host, Christine
Transition and Lifestyle Coach, Host of The Corporate Escapists TV Show & Podcast, Speaker & Educator. In a past life, I was a corporate queen, earning the big bucks & working my way up that ladder. From the outside, I had it all, but I felt completely dead inside. It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom that I really discovered what was missing from my life. I realised I had no idea who I was.
What lit me up. What was setting my soul on fire? What was my passion in life? But after years of doing the inner work, I have rebuilt my life and now I want to help you do the same.
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